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Empowering Schools with AI Knowledge & Solutions

AI Ready School is an at Campus Service for Schools which Want to Become Truly AI Ready.


Recent changes in the field of AI started disrupting every area of life. How we learn, work, study and in total how we live are undergoing massive changes.

Changes are happening at blazing speed and we need to adapt to those changes faster.

To Sustain These Changes, Schools Need to Become AI Ready.

Getting AI Ready can include: Acquiring infrastructure for AI, creating processes around AI, creating a dynamic curriculum, training the teachers & staff, delivering AI lessons to students, assessments, and showcasing the outcomes.


What Makes a School AI Ready?

GenAI Infrastructure

GenAI Education for Kids

GenAI Teaching Aids

GenAI Education for Teachers


GenAI Infrastructure

We work with schools to provide required tools and infrastructure for them to leverage the power of AI in school operations. We also build AI products that help schools to automate certain activities with AI.


GenAI Education for Kids

We work with schools to provide required tools and infrastructure for them to leverage the power of AI in school operations. We also build AI products that help schools to automate certain activities with AI.


GenAI Teaching Aids

Introducing the AI teaching aids to the kids can help them in acquiring customised education according to their learning abilities.


GenAI Education for Teachers

Educating the teachers on GenAI is highly crucial as they need to stay ahead with the trends in AI, learn to use AI for enhancing their teaching material and guide the children on responsible use of AI.


Make Your School AI Ready

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